Monday, October 19, 2015

StoryBranding Model vs. Consumer Decision Making Journey

Displaying FullSizeRender.jpgThe StoryBranding Model: looks at the brand and its relationship with the prospect. This model states that any brand story had two main characters; the protagonist brand itself and it beneficiary, the prospect. To complete this model brands must deal with certain obstacles. Obstacles in marketing are considered sales barriers, as each obstacle is overcome the connection between the brand and the prospect becomes stronger.

Both the brand and the prospect cell have two layers. The outer layer consist of physical and behavioral properties and the in layers are composed of deeper, often hidden beliefs and values that are linked to and responsible for character behavior.
  • 1a. The brand cell's outer layer consists of the physical design of the product and how it functions to satisfy the prospect's outer layer need.
  • 2a. The prospects cell's outer layer first consists of the prospect's measurable traits and characteristic. (age, sex, income, and education)
  • 1b. The brand's inner layer is sometimes referred to as the brand's essence or its DNA. This consists of values and beliefs that the brand becomes associated with.
  • 2b. The prospects cell's inner Layer this constitutes the prospect's self and aspirational identity and serves as a point of inner connection with the brand. 
The consumer decision journey, illustrated.Consumer Decision Journey: Consumers make decisions from formed impressions of brands through touch points such as advertisements, news reports, conversations with family and friends, and product experiences. Unless consumers are actively shopping, much of that exposure appears wasted. As appeared the decision making process is a more circular journey, with four primary phases representing potential areas where marketers can win or lose: Initial Consideration,  Active Evaluation, Moment of Purchase, and Post Purchase Experience.
    The marketing funnel has rotated.
  • Initial Consideration Set: The consumer considers an initial set of brands,based on brand perceptions and exposure to recent touch points.
  • Active Evaluation: (information gathering, shopping) consumers add or subtract brands as they evaluate what they want.
  • Moment of Purchase: Ultimately, the consumer selects a brand at the moment of purchase.
  • Post-purchase Experience: After purchasing a product or service, the consumer builds expectations based on experience to inform the next decision journey.

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