Sunday, November 22, 2015

How consumers shop on mobiles

Article on Marketingweek

"Consumer behavior on mobiles varies widely in different situations, so marketers must understand how to shape the shopping experience to maximize the chance of a sale."

"Smartphones are used more frequently at home than on the move, with 64% of mobile use happening in people’s houses compared to 36% out and about, according to new research from xAd." In the beginning of the semester we read an article based off of Cross-Device Effectiveness, and how it actually matters what type of device a consumer is using. With the amount of retail applications being created mobile devices has become consumers' preferred choice of search engine for new products, ahead of making a purchase more than 53% of consumers say their mobile is the most important device for research.

It is interesting to see the improvements in technology and how they can effect the overall consumer pathway or decision journey. "The research indicates that when searching on mobile at home consumers are more likely to be at the beginning of their purchase journey, and still open to exploring." Lately I have even noticed that research marketing has made a rapid increase, I see advertisements on my mobile device based on my location or previous searches I have made. As this article mentions "marketers must understand these different kinds of behavior if they are to boost their chances of converting a sale", I find it interesting to see what lengths marketers will go to in order to receive an effective response. Marketers need to find that balance, they cannot over expose the consumer to certain advertisements because they are going become so familiar with that particular product or brand that it loses effectiveness.

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